Growing up with semi-conservative parents meant there was a short list of four-letter words that were never to be uttered in our home. On the fringes of this list were a few other choice words that were considered crass and crude. Over time, the way I defined profanity changed a little bit. There are rare situations in life that defy those common words which give us an appearance of higher civility.
I know you are wondering what foul language has to do with MRSA. I could have taken this to the extreme. There are already sites like “f*ck cancer” out there though. Plus, MRSA is not on the same level as afflictions like cancer or AIDS.
MRSA sucks the energy from your body.
MRSA sucks the joy out of your life.
MRSA sucks intimacy from your relationships.
And if I have to be honest, well, MRSA just plain sucks. I know because I have overcome it. I am a strong-willed, determined fighter. If a bully shoves me, I get back up and I shove back. I sent MRSA and all the problems that came with it packing. My goal is to help you do the same.
This website sprung out of my need for healing. It is about reclaiming the life you and I have lost to MRSA. Sometimes there aren’t words strong enough to talk about what has been taken from you.